Movement Therapy Classes

Aerial S

A Sequence of poses and transitions using two lengths of fabric, secured from the ceiling, and involves defying gravity and using your strength to climb and maneuver the silks. This class us accessible to beginners and advanced aerialists.

Aerial Y
A Sequence of poses and transitions using a hammock, secured from the ceiling, and involves defying gravity and relaxing slowly into yoga poses with the support of the silks. This class us accessible to beginners and advanced aerialists.

This class experience is to enhance your breathing awareness. This class is a break from your brain. During this session you intentionally change your breathing pattern to improve mental and physical well-being. Accessible to everyone who needs a breather.


A Brazilian martial art Sequence as dance and performed to musical instruments and traditional Brazilian songs. The Sequence of movements also consist of positions o the ground, kicks, sweeps and acrobatics. This class is accessible to all levels.

Clinical P

A sequence of exercises guided be a  physiotherapist aiming to make the traditional Pilates accessible for patients with some kind of pathology or postural issues. In this class we’ll work your flexibility, mobility, strengthening and breath awareness.


This class combines everything you love about Vinyasa. You will experience a complete, well-rounded movement practice, aligning body and mind in the present moment. This class is accessible to beginners and advanced yogis.

Intro to Yoga

One of our signature classes for yoga newbies! A dynamic blend of breathing and yoga that will focus you mentally and condition you physically. Aisha takes you through a Sequence of poses, introducing you to “how to practice yoga with the body you live in”. Building body awareness and healing any body issues challenging you right now. You will flow to great music, awaken your inner strength and leave feeling empowered.

Kids Capoeira

A Brazilian martial art Sequence as dance and performed to musical instruments and traditional Brazilian songs. It develops discipline and coordination which optimizes the psychomotor development of children. This class is accessible to all levels.

Kids Hammock

A fun class full of poses and transitions using a hammock, secured from the ceiling, and involves defying gravity. Developing flexibility and building strength, this class helps kids strengthen their motor skills and coordination. This class is accessible to all levels.


Welcome to Mannaz men’s circle, where we come together to support, heal, and reflect in this journey on our shared spiritual and emotional transformation in a safe and supportive environment. Together, we embody the essence of humanity and embrace the divine guidance that leads us towards unity and personal growth.

Mat Pilates

Pilates mat work is a Sequence of exercises originated before the creation of any Pilates equipment, strengthen your own body with original classical Pilates method. All levels are welcomed on the mat.


All mommies are welcomed to practice and connect with other mothers in this nurtured yoga practice. A Sequence of relaxing poses to help you enjoy your pregnancy experience. This class is accessible to all mommies.


This class will guide you through energetic and quick flowing Sequences, with a dynamic mix of postures. It will allow you to release stress, while still building strength and gaining flexibility. This class is accessible to beginners and advanced yogis.


A 60 minute Yoga Sequence interspersed with 3-4 lots of HIIT. An upbeat class with upbeat music. One or our most challenging yoga sessions to give those who need to break a sweat while conditioning the body at the same time. This class is accessible to beginners and advanced yogis.


A harmonious blend of yoga nidra, breathwork, and mindfulness practices meticulously curated to cultivate profound body awareness, de-stress, and improve your sleep quality. Prepare to embark on a sensory journey that will guide you towards indulging in a restful sleep.

Slow Flow

Doha is a busy city, we offer a safe space for you to slow down. Slow Flow creates a grounding space where you’ll hold and breath through challenging poses in a powerful yet calming practice. This class is accessible to beginners and advanced yogis.


An adult time-out, through a Sequence of gentle movements, breathwork, coordinated awareness, and sound, you will travel through layers of the self that are not often available during the daily grind. This class is accessible to everyone.


A meditation in motion and also a medication in motion. Originated in China as a martial art, with value in treating or preventing many health problems. A Sequence of coordinated body-posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health. This class is accessible to all levels.

Traditional A

A very dynamic and athletic Sequence of yoga poses, made up of six series with a fixed order of poses. A very linear physical practice that helps you calm the mind and promote mental clarity. This class is accessible to beginners and advanced yogis.

90min run of a weekly workshop.
Each workshop will have a subject that affects our mental health and how to deal with it personally in a simple practical way. The workshops can be taken in series or individually (each on is stand alone). The workshops are based on the science of “Epigenetic” the effect of the environment (e.g. sounds, colors, thoughts, emotions, food, sleep) on our body and mind and how we can use our environment to support our mental health.

This class combines poses to enhance your body awareness to release any tension your daily patterns can create. You will experience a complete well-rounded mindful movement practice, aligning body and mind in the present moment. This class is accessible to beginners and advanced yogis.


A Sequence of poses to safely stretch facial tissues in order to develop ease in your body and a fuller range of motion in your joints. Slow-paced, incorporating principles of traditional Chinese Medicine. This class is accessible to beginners and advanced yogis.