Meet Our Visiting Teacher Miguel Sant’ana

Miguel Sant’ana

Miguel is a native Brazilian and has lived and worked in Asia Pacific, Europe and the Americas. He is a self-taught professional hand balancer and Coach for more than a decade. He has run courses across the globe including retreats, workshops and residencies in studios and clubs. His following crosses all boundaries and walks of life. His method is followed by beginners to high-level athletes.

Miguel continues living his passion in the science and art of handbalance. His mission as a teacher is to inspire his students to develop a clear understanding and commitment to excel in their handbalance practice.

Workshop Details

3 DAYS  Handstand Workshop with Miguel Sant’ana

The Introduction to Hand Balancing

13 Hours total

Workshop Theory , Warm up and handstand progressions


Part One:

Explains The technique of “whole body positioning” – from fingers to toes aiming to achieve a perfectly straight handstand. We will also discuss the free handstand positioning:

-Hand positions

-Finger Tips technique

-Shoulders Elevation

-Core Engagement and Strength

-Breathing Technique

-Inner Sight Self Connection and Control

-Difference in between handstand holding techniques (open shoulders,closed shoulders, straight handstand, banana handstand, Contracted , relax and the list goes on…) and how to achieve the ideal straight and hollow handstand.


Part Two:

Warming up the whole body based in flexibility, mobility and strength. This section focuses heavily on shoulders and wrists.


Part Three: Handstand Progression on the wall-

This section helps students to build confidence on standing upside down. By demonstrating and reinforcing confidence from the very start, working with the most fundamental handstand progressions on the wall(dynamic and static positions) and off the wall if applicable.  In this section there will be small groups separated with handstand programs based in each student level . It will be tailored made on spot based in the groups needs.


Entry to handstands – Break down the 3 mains jump to handstand step by step.

* Scissor Jump

* Tuck Jump

* Straddle Jump

Miguel will show the most common body positions mistake based on his own methods and techniques with support and encourage each individual to progress until they are able to jump into a free handstand in the FUTURE.


Bailing out progressions to safely practice the free handstand in the middle of the room will also included in the training.


For advanced students, Miguel will be ADVISING similar progressions but instead of leaning on the wall to free handstand practice.


Part Four: An outline of core strengthening exercise sequence.

Part Five: Wrapping Up –

This is the opportunity for final questions. Miguel will be demonstrating and re-emphasising certain sections of the previous teachings to make sure that each and every student leaves feeling confident and secure with their individual practice. Confidence is key.

This handstand event is suitable for very novice(someone that never try a handstand ON THE WALL) to advanced practitioners. Handstand progression practice will be divided in group levels to best accommodate attendees.